Your Info

First Name
Last Name
Zip Code

Seat Reservations

Amount Adult Attendees
Amount of Children Attendees
Adult Name 1
Child Name 1
Adult Name 2
Child Name 2
Adult Name 3
Child Name 3
Adult Name 4
Child Name 4
Adult Name 5
Child Name 5
Adult Name 6
Child Name 6

High Holiday Services I plan to attend
Please check all that apply.

Rosh Hashanah Eve. | September 29
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 | September 30
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 | October 1
Yom Kippur | October 8 - 9

No membership or tickets are required. However, Beth Menachem Chabad is financially independent and relies solely on contributions from its participants and the community at large. We ask that you give an appropriate contribution for the High Holiday Services.
Please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a contribution of $1500. Click here to read the Supporting Membership appeal letter from the Board of Trustees.

Help Chabad bring more light to the community with your generous contribution.
Credit Card Mail Check (payable to Beth Menachem Chabad, 349 Dedham Street)
Card Number
CVV Code