Trip to the Rebbe's Ohel & Visit to Crown Heights

Sunday, September 22 • Departing 8:00am
from Beth Menachem Chabad • 349 Dedham Street • Newton, MA 02459

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During this special time of the year and in preparation for Rosh Hashanah, we will be making a community trip to pray at the Rebbe's Ohel in Queens, NY.

We will leave from Beth Menachem Chabad at 8 AM with a private charter bus and head to the Ohel.

After the Ohel we will drive to Crown Heights to visit 770, The Rebbe's Synagougue and House of Study, have dinner and an opportunity for some shopping and exploring.

We should return to Newton by 10:00 PM.

To cover the cost of the bus we ask each person to pay $100.

If you would like to hear more about the trip please contact Nechama: [email protected]

About the Ohel

The term Ohel (lit. "tent") refers to the structure built over the resting place of a tzaddik, a righteous person. It is also known as the tziyun (marker).

During our long, painful journey through history, the holy resting places of our righteous forebears have served as spiritual oases. While Jewish law and tradition dictate that a person direct his prayers only to G‑d, and not to any other entity, the resting place of a righteous person is considered hallowed ground, a place where ones supplication to the Almighty are heard in the merit of the holy soul connected with this place. Gravesites such as Mother Rachel's and King David's, referred to in the Bible and Talmud, have provided solace to millions.

During the Rebbe's lifetime, he would frequent the resting place of his father-in-law, the sixth Rebbe (Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn), sometimes two, three, four, or even six times a week, bringing people’s troubles and prayer-requests to the holy resting place. The Rebbe responded to hundreds of thousands of people by writing (in Hebrew), "I will mention [your request] at the tziyun." He would painstakingly read every single of the thousands of notes, then tear and leave them at the grave, perhaps as a physical memento of the supplicant.

Now chassidim, Jews and non-Jews from all walks of life come from around the world to the Rebbe's resting place for blessing, spiritual guidance and inspiration.

Click here to read more about the Ohel.